i have buy new home in march 2017. I have made some payment to builder almost 75 % upto 31 june 2017.

After that i have remaining 25 % payment step by step i given to builder upto 31 march 2018.

so bulder say whatever payment made after 1 july 2017 you need to pay GST 12% all ready you paid 4.5 service tax remaining 7.5 you need to pay now.

Is this currect. this GST is aaplicable to me or builder. Who need to pay this amount.
Please clery fy.
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Ameet Patel Ameet N Patel is a chartered accountant and former President of Bombay Chartered Accountants Society - BCAS

Subodh V Shah CA Subodh V Shah is a Fellow Member of the ICAI. A merit ranker throughout his career, he stood 3rd in CA Intermediate and 17th in CA Final. In addition he also got the prize of ICAI for scoring the highest marks in Direct Taxes at CA Final. He is practicing Chartered Accountant as well as a teacher for over 20 years.

Ameya Kunte Ameya Kunte is a Tax Professional, Chartered Accountant & Co-founder - Taxsutra.com

Nikhil Vadia CISA qualified Nikhil Vadia is a Chartered Accountant in practice since 1997

Yogesh Sapkale Yogesh Sapkale is Deputy Editor of Moneylife and writes on financial and tax related issues

Debashis Basu Debashis Basu is the co-founder of Moneylife, a CA by qualification with three decades of experience as a journalist and author of several books

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