housing markets, Case-Shiller Index, S&P, US Federal Reserve, inventory of homes for sale, construction trade, Barclays US High Yield Index, QE program, multi family dwellings
Housing is usually more stable because the motivations of the buyers are for long-term occupancy...
William Gamble    
stock markets, ETF, ETFs, Ghana, Indonesia, Japan, Gulf, UAE, Brazil, Russia, investment, returns
Bubbles happen all the time in frontier markets. The index in Ghana is up 50% in four months....
William Gamble    
China, Jamil Anderlini, loan defaults, social media, Zhang Ke, US Federal Reserve, IMF, International Monetary Fund, debt, Li Keqiang.
As China slows, the loan defaults will increase as will unhappy customers. In an era of social...
William Gamble    
Infosys, pricing, margin pressure, IT services, information technology, client IT budget, visa shortage, staff compensation increases,
Analysts can’t seem to get it right with the Indian tech company Infosys. Five times in the last...
William Gamble    
United States, economic revival, housing market, investors, interest rates, speculators, William Gamble, Michigan survey of consumer sentiment, Federal Reserve, quantitative easing, QE3, flipping, Earnings, stocks, unemployment, labour market
While much of the recent economic gains have been attributed to the actions of the Federal...
William Gamble    
emerging markets, economies, default, BRICS, GDP, central bankers,
With the slowing of the emerging market economies it is possible that 2013 default rate could...
William Gamble    
Contagion, bad debts, taxpayers, economies, quantitative easing, Cyprus, China,
Governments are happy to shift bad debts onto taxpayers, or even better to some other country’s...
William Gamble    
Governor Stein, QE, quantitative easing, Federal Reserve, Junk Bond ETFs, WMPs
In the first part of this two-part article we discussed overheating in credit markets. We now...
William Gamble    
Governor Stein, QE, quantitative easing, Federal Reserve,
Governor Stein pointed out that a lengthy period of low interest rates confirms an assumption of...
William Gamble    
Japan, GDP, government bonds, sovereign debt, inflation, Abe Shinzo, Bank of Japan, Haruhiko Kuroda, bankruptcy
Although the government’s efforts have not been rewarded with either inflation or a healthy...
William Gamble    
sequestration, tax, taxes, US tax, fiscal cliff
The real problem with the sequestration for both politicians and investors is that the cuts will...
William Gamble    
tax havens, tax haven, tax evasion, tax, taxes,
For small countries to create an entire profitable industry by passing a few laws appears to be...
William Gamble    
credit crisis, china credit, US stock market, stock market, stock, stocks,
China has a powerful elite class, which like the financiers, are a law unto themselves. For the...
William Gamble    
tax, taxes, tax evasion, taxation, sovereign debt
A poor system of taxation denies the citizens the services they have a right to expect from...
William Gamble    
credit, CIBIL, what is credit rating, credit history, credit bureaus
If all of the creditors got together and shared information on their debtors, they should easily...
William Gamble    
Central bank, US Federal Reserve, US municipal bonds
Every government policy and especially monetary policy has a very definite goal. But along with...
William Gamble    
interest rate, interest rates, interest payments, loan
As long as interests rates stay near zero banks can avoid restructuring or force the zombie...
William Gamble    
American municipal bonds, American municipal bond, American bond, bond, bonds, interest rate, interest rates, munis bond, munis bonds. Federal Reserves, Federal Reserve,
While the low interest rates have allowed many financially stressed municipalities to save money...
William Gamble    
China, Chinese economy, slowdown, Chinese government, bad debt, state-owned banks, WMP
I wrote in April and June about the Chinese slowdown. I thought that it would get worse but the...
William Gamble    
investment, investments, gold, investment predictions
Most predictions do have one thing in common: hyperbole. The more interest a particular...
William Gamble    
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