Vinita Deshmukh

Vinita Deshmukh is the consulting editor of Moneylife and an RTI activist. She is the recipient of prestigious awards like the Statesman Award for Rural Reporting which she won twice in 1998 and 2005 and the Chameli Devi award for outstanding media person for her investigation series on Dow Chemicals. She...

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In November 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that for a fire insurance claim, if the insurer is not...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Recently, a central information commissioner slammed the two central public information officers...
Vinita Deshmukh    
The central information commission (CIC) has expressed grave concern over the handling of a...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Although a citizen has alternatives to directly access records through channels like the courts...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Against the backdrop of news of serious allegations against National Museum officials about the...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Young Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, Bhagyashree Navtake, who undertook a complex series...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Information that does not harm the public servant’s career, such as date of joining, promotion...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Despite the Central government having increased the upper limit from Rs10,000 to Rs50,000 per...
Vinita Deshmukh    
In a reformist kind of judgement, the Kerala High Court has ruled that if documents held by a...
Vinita Deshmukh    
In a case of better late than never, the citizens of Jammu & Kashmir have, at last, got their...
Vinita Deshmukh    
A series of right to information (RTI) applications by an applicant addressed to the central...
Vinita Deshmukh    
While the Indian cricket team is presently in the news for all the wrong reasons—that is, for...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Break-ups of young couples’ marriages has been a common phenomenon since the last decade or so...
Vinita Deshmukh    
A news report in 1996 in the Times of India of a public agitation by social activist Aruna Roy...
Vinita Deshmukh    
It may be recalled that in order to combat air pollution in Delhi, one of the flagship...
Vinita Deshmukh    
Considering that the issuance of contracts through tenders in various infrastructure projects...
Vinita Deshmukh    
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