Western science has no satisfactory answer for either of these questions
Western science has no satisfactory answer for either of the two questions asked in the title of this article. Do we need a change in paradigm to get the answers—or go on believing what Western commercial scientists keep telling us so far? The journal Science, in the edition to mark its 125th year of publication, put out a list of 125 vital questions that science has not been able to answer so far. The list includes all important aspects of man’s life on this planet. Nobel Laureate and father of transplant surgery, Peter Medawar, also dealt with this problem in his classic, Limits of Science. Was it the big bang or just a small whimper that started Western science’s world view? We have no evidence for the big bang in evidence-based science!
I have been uncomfortable with the science that was taught to me in school, college and, later, in medical school. However, it took me this long, to come out in the open boldly about the irrationality of Western science of reductionism.
The human being is being looked at in isolation in Western medicine. We now know that even the genealogy of brain cells—any cell—shows how the neighbouring brain cells might be having different genealogy, while the heart cell or the liver cell could be closer to the neuron because they evolved from one single cell, the zygote. They had to mutate as they evolved and so they are mixed up everywhere. We go on studying body parts to irrationally project our data on to the whole organism. Rene Descartes was later joined by Charles Darwin who brought in the concept of competition among the species for survival. Both these concepts probably were more suited for the business in the monetary economy.
Cooperative Model
Peter Kropotkin, on the other hand, proposed a cooperative model of this universe where the universe is self-evolving and it keeps evolving intelligently. A Russian, Kropotkin wrote in his book while living in exile in England, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution: “I conceived since then serious doubts which subsequent study has only confirmed—as to the reality of that fearful competition for food and life within each species, which was an article of faith with most Darwinists, and, consequently, as to the dominant part which this sort of competition was supposed to play in the evolution of new species.”
Kropotkin wrote another beautiful book in 1903 titled Modern Science and Anarchism. Science is usually politicised and, naturally, Kropotkin was demonised in the West as a dangerous man. If one understands the etymology of science, one would know that the real root of science is philosophia (Greek for philosophy). All scientists, in the true sense, must love wisdom. The latter is never available in books and science journals but in our own heads! Now re-read Descartes: Because you think, you are. If you don’t think you are not! As we do not think, we have been trying to destroy the natural resources in this universe for competition.
In evolutionary biology, the human body is considered a closed system where outside interventions are not the rule but only the exception. Most illnesses must be healed by the body’s built-in healer—the immune system!
The Indian system of Ayurveda (Ayush=life; vid=wisdom) also treats the human body as a closed system and believes that it has the capacity to heal itself. The thrust in Ayurveda is ‘swasthasya swasth rakshitham’ (‘keep the well healthy’) by boosting the body’s own immune system.
“Organic life, we are told, has developed gradually from the protozoon to the philosopher, and this development, we are assured, is indubitably an advance. Unfortunately it is the philosopher, not the protozoon, who gives us this assurance.” — Bertrand Russell
Professor Dr BM Hegde, a Padma Bhushan awardee in 2010, is an MD, PhD, FRCP (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Dublin), FACC and FAMS.)
I would highly recommend the book by David Berlinski "The Devil's Delusion". It talks about Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.
Also refer to his interview with regards to his book:-
David Berlinsky Bio:- He was a research assistant in molecular biology at Columbia University, and was a research fellow at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria and the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) in France. He has taught philosophy, mathematics, and English at Stanford University, Rutgers University, The City University of New York, the University of Washington, the University of Puget Sound, San Jose State University, the University of Santa Clara, the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and taught mathematics at the Université de Paris
Just because Science does not have answer to ALL the questions of Nature TODAY, does it mean everything researched, discovered and invented is waste so far? Does it mean the occult / religious nuts / alternative "medicine" can provide all the answers? No.
300 years ago we had no idea of infections caused by bacteria, viruses and carbon nanotubes, keyhole surgery, string theory, manned space mission, semiconductors and computers etc.
Science is a self-correcting, self-questioning system, with harsh peer-review to validate conclusions.
Ayurveda would flourish if it adopts the ethos of science and keeps questioning the basis for its diagnostic and therapeutic formulations.
There are many things that are imperfect in western science but Dr. Hegde wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater and thus makes it hard for sympathetic readers to take him seriously.
There are several eminent physicians and scientists in India who would do a far better job of asking hard questions of medical science as it is currently practiced. It is a pity that ML continues to give a platform to Dr. Hegde who is sincere but draws erroneous conclusions. Unfortunately these conclusions are likely to be believed by many readers only because they appear in ML Foundation newsletter. As ML Foundation has built up a stellar reputation by fearless and hard-hitting accurate financial reporting, readers may assume the same goes for Dr. Hegde's views.
What Dr.B.M.Hegde says is truth, and just that:harsh and plain truth.Better if the modern world come out of it`s immature and arrogant foundations and look for a holistic future---it amy already be too late.Currently,as B.M.Hegde says, there is NO Science of Medicine or Man.
Ayurveda may provide a clue, as many Scientists are increasingly trying to understand/accept:
But, please be Open Minded.
(Note:Not an advertiser for any system/thought,but only for truth)
The question
"Who am I and Where Have I come from"?
The answer
"Ayurved-ah" ???
Prof Dr Hegde by his own admission has realised his folly in studying and making his money from flawed and toxic western science.(Allopathic medicines have adverse side effects?)
I trust that to make amends Dr Hegge has given away this ill-gotten wealth to some Aurvedic Charitable Trust ?
Beter late than never.