The Nirbhaya Documentary - as always, follow the money
Why would somebody spend crores on making a movie defiling the memory of a dead person, to make her killers and rapists look like studs and stars?
First, take a look at this clip, of animals being slaughtered for food in India.
It is likely that the unfortunate girl who died in the attack by the rapists was treated even worse than these animals have been treated.
Over the last few days, I have been amongst the most vociferous on social media, objecting to the public airing in India of the Nirbhaya documentary made by my ex-colleague from NDTV, Dibang, and his co-Producer, Leslee Udwin from the UK. Why am I, otherwise an absolute votary of free speech, against this documentary?
1) The little I have seen, and the feedback I have got from those who have seen it, leads me to believe that the rapist has been depicted as a braggart out to leave his message to the other hoodlums on the street. One reason for this is that death by hanging in popular Indian movies, lore tends to glorify it as a means of expression against political and colonial repression, and that needs to be corrected. 
2) There appears to be no available record as of now of adherence to Indian laws by the two producers. Permissions for social research have been misused into making a commercial documentary. There are also reports of inducements in cash paid out to various people who have appeared in the documentary.
3) There is no data available on status of compliance to Indian laws including service tax laws for hiring of vehicles, hotel rooms, equipment, staff and similar expenses, which have run into crores of rupees over a period of two years. At least two press conferences held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Delhi in the last few days were reported to have been paid for totally in cash.
4) The British producer, Leslee Udwin, has openly said that she is totally against capital punishment. The justice delivery system of India, however, has pronounced a death sentence, which is still up on appeal in higher Courts. This documentary then appears to be a clear case of trying to interfere in the delivery of justice in India.
5) Dibang, the other producer, has himself had a colourful tenure at New Delhi Television. There may or may not be written complaints of sexual harassment against him, as hinted at by a blog, which has been up for years now, but there is no smoke without fire either. I have worked at NDTV, years ago, and still have friends there and from there.
6) And finally, the police have filed a case about outraging the modesty of women, basis their inputs on the said documentary. That says it all.
Why would somebody spend crores on making a movie defiling the memory of a dead person, to make her killers and rapists look like studs and stars, is the question I hope to answer in a few days as more details of the money trail come in. For now, fact remains, large amounts have reportedly been spent in cash.
(Veeresh Malik started and sold a couple of companies, is now back to his first love—writing. He is also involved in helping small and midsize family-run businesses re-invent themselves.)
10 years ago
The man is the cruelest animal in the world.

Raghuram Shetty,Engineer Hebri-Udupi
S K Gupta
10 years ago
Cow Slaughter is a Great Sin! Participate As Much As Possible and Dig Your Graves - "Educated Butcher" finally you will get consumed by your gluttony.
Mahesh S Bhatt
10 years ago
Its sad & bad a brave daughter's sad story of our Country is traded after being abused by society.

The fact is that last 4 days BBC/CNN have not reported & they aired the documentary to deflect attention from Libya Oil filed attacks,as below.

As always BBC wants India/Africa to be potrayed as backward.

Al Jazeera
" Esam Mohamed, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, March 5, 2015 8:24AM EST
Last Updated Thursday, March 5, 2015 1:29PM EST
TRIPOLI, Libya -- Libya's state-run oil corporation has declared 11 oil fields in the country non-operational after attacks by suspected Islamic State militants, opting for a force majeure clause that exempts the state from contractual obligations.
The National Oil Corporation blamed authorities in the Libyan-capital of Tripoli, set up by Islamist-backed militias, for failing to protect the oil fields. The statement, issued Wednesday night, says that "theft, looting, sabotage and destruction" of the oil fields have been on the rise despite pleas for the authorities to ensure safety of Libya's oil installations.

Ankur Bhatnagar
Replied to Mahesh S Bhatt comment 10 years ago
> As always BBC wants India/Africa to be potrayed as backward

Well, India and Africa are indeed backward. And it's not BBC's fault, but our fault.
Replied to Ankur Bhatnagar comment 10 years ago

India is a country and Africa is a continent !!

India never conquered other countries and looted others wealth.

Ankur Bhatnagar
Replied to MOHAN comment 10 years ago
Conquering other countries? It would have been good enough if we could have at least defended ourselves from getting conquered. We were so ridiculously weak. Anyway, past is past. The problem is that we continue to be as weak even in the recent past of 40 years and going forward...

Instead of complaining about BBC and others, let's focus on building our strengths and development.
10 years ago
Veeresh Malik your reasons is totally misdirected. Ascribing motive to a film maker will not make India a better place to live. Maliks comment about Dibang, "the other producer, has himself had a colourful tenure at New Delhi Television. There may or may not be written complaints of sexual harassment against him, as hinted at by a blog, which has been up for years now, but there is no smoke without fire either. I have worked at NDTV, years ago, and still have friends there and from there" shows the corrupt mindset of Veeresh Malik as he simply indulges in gossip. Unable to comprehend how Moneylife staked it reputation in publishing this article.

Veeresh Malik
Replied to TIHARwale comment 10 years ago
Dear TIHARwale, today's reports on the money trail by co-producer Anjali Bhushan and on Dibang's involvement are self-explanatory.
sharada ramanathan
10 years ago
I look forward to more from you on this. the "gift" to india, and to be used for global celeb campaign, used these very sound bytes as their global marketing pitch.
10 years ago

According to:

It was produced by "Produced by: Assassin Films for BBC in ass. with DR, SVT, IKON, SFR, RTS, CBC"

So money came from western powers.

I have a feeling that it is Danish Govt project as Leslee Udwin got money from DR.

This is because these two who work for DR in international sales have handled the distribution of the film
Kim Christiansen [email protected]
Helene Aurø [email protected]

1) Danmarks Radio
Danish Broadcasting Corporation

2) BBC

3) Sveriges Television AB
Swedish Public TV broadcaster

4) ikon Films

5) SFR (french telecom company

6) Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS)
Again, Swiss Public Broadcaster

7) CBC
Narendra Doshi
10 years ago
Dear Veereshji & MDT,
Timely details given.
Horrifying Video (Never seen such) since I am a Jain , More than a Vegetarian.
Look forward to your next part on this.
Chandragupta Acharya
10 years ago
Strange that you write this without even watching the documentary. Please watch it - it neither defiles the girl nor glorifies the rapist. Issues like service tax are totally irrelevant to the current debate - the government can very much proceed against them as per laws.
Veeresh Malik
Replied to Chandragupta Acharya comment 10 years ago
I have seen the documentary as well as know some of the people behind it. That does not mean I agree with it. I also know what showing responses without showing the questions means.
sivaraman anant narayan
Replied to Chandragupta Acharya comment 10 years ago
I agree its a balanced film and everyone must see it to introspect about the value system in our society.
Ankur Bhatnagar
10 years ago
If these are your reasons for opposing the broadcast of the documentary, then I conclude there are actually no reasons to stop its airing. Come on, just read those woozy points again!
sivaraman anant narayan
10 years ago
After just a few seconds into the attached clip at a slaughter house, I cried out in anguish and couldn't continue. What barbarity!!
raj pradhan
10 years ago
Very good information about the insensitive documentary (only at Moneylife). Look forward to more details of the money trail. Good job Mr Veeresh!
raj pradhan
10 years ago
Very good information about the insensitive documentary (only at Moneylife). Look forward to more details of the money trail. Good job Mr Veeresh!
10 years ago
Its really sad ,but true.These people can stoop to any low level one can't even imagine ,under the pretext of free speech.Our English media ,as usual takes up the case on their behalf.Sick mentality.
Suketu Shah
10 years ago
the timing is perfectly staged to disrupt Mr Modi from passing critical bills in Parliament.Garner anti-govt publicity and ensure the media laps it up and waste time so Mr Modi cannot pass any critical bills.

This is exactly why people have voted for BJP as this is all that other parties are capable of-stopping Mr Modi and his team from taking the nation forward.

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