SEBI asks companies to file revised shareholding pattern if there is a change of over 2%
Moneylife Digital Team 05 August 2010

In order to ensure updated public dissemination of shareholding pattern, the market regulator has mandated for companies to file revised shareholding pattern, if there is any change of over 2% in its shareholding

Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has asked companies to file information if there is a change of 2% in the shareholding pattern, post a corporate event.

SEBI said in such cases, the companies would have to file revised shareholding pattern with the stock exchanges within 10 days from the date of such change in the capital structure.

The market regulator in its Board meeting also decided to make it mandatory for new companies to file their shareholding pattern as per Clause 35 one day prior to the date of listing and it should be uploaded on the website of exchanges before commencement of trading.

The Board further decided that in the quarterly shareholding pattern, the disclosure of shares held by custodians, against which depository receipts have been issued, shall be classified as 'promoter and promoter group' and 'non-promoter'.

kishore ghiya
1 decade ago
the retail investors want access to weekly beneficiary demat accounts movement that shows at the end of every friday who bought snd sold net figures of shares. Unless these figures which are history not made available to retail investors, menace of circular tarding and sham trading for boooking tax havala will not be spotted by retail investors. Unfortunately finacial analysists or spokesman for retail investors has not even studied the significance of this statement. I wonder how many resrach analysists of companies know that wiwthout study of who took delivery during the past 4 weeks nothing will be known to retail investor.Why management is afraid to share these past figures will anybody tell me.
kishore ghiya mob 9825217857
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