Retail Investors Should Avoid Derivatives Trade due to High Risk: NSE Chief Ashishkumar Chauhan
IANS 13 November 2023
Trade in derivatives by retail investors should be avoided because of the high risk involved in derivatives, says Ashishkumar Chauhan, managing director and chief executive officer (MD & CEO), National Stock Exchange (NSE).
“Be a long-term player. This is the best way to participate in India's growth story," he said.
“Stock market is meant for long-term wealth creation. An unpleasant experience disheartens the affected investors to enter the stock market ever again,” Chauhan added.
NSE encourages investors to deal only with registered intermediaries and refrain from dealing in unregulated products, he added.
“Muhurat Trading at the National Stock Exchange is a testament to our shared financial aspirations. In the heart of this vibrant marketplace, as the Diwali lights shimmer, we embark on a journey of careful choices and strategic investments. Each trade made during this auspicious time promises growth and the spirit of unity among investors," he said.
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