Railways post earnings growth of 6.59% in Apr-Jul period
Moneylife Digital Team 10 August 2010

New Delhi: Indian Railways has posted a growth of 6.59% in its earnings during the first four months of this fiscal.

During April to July, its earnings stood at Rs29274.55 crore as compared to Rs27464.14 crore during the same period last year.

Out of the total earnings, goods earnings went up to Rs19796.56 crore during this period, which was an increase of 7.07%, said a release issued by the Railways.

Likewise, the total passenger revenue earnings during first four months were Rs8162.13 crore compared to Rs7792.58 crore during the same period last year, thus registering an increase of 4.74%.

During this period, about 2598.01 million passengers booked ticket as compared to 2454.34 million during the same period last year, the release added.

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