Online recruitments rise 17%
The latest Monster Employment Index (MEI) showed the online recruitment activities saw a 17% growth over last year, a top company official said on Monday.
"The overall growth rate, even though lower than the past months, has continued to chart a double digit growth with certain occupation groups like healthcare witnessing a steep year-on-year growth of 41%," said's Managing Director (APAC & Middle-East) Sanjay Modi. 
With the FDI liberalisation and the cabinet reshuffle, optimism around recovery of the Indian job market can be restored, he said.
The Education sector has been on the centre stage after the slew of initiatives announced by the government during the Union Budget 2016 to improve the state of the sector, the company said in a statement. 
This long term view of the education sector witnessed a 65% year-on-year growth in online hiring activities of this sector.
According to the index, there has been a significant slowdown in IT at a 40% growth, 22 points lower than in May 2016. This could be attributed to the increasing focus on automation, a statement said.
"This decline could be as a result of the worldwide flat IT spending." 
Despite the impetus on 'Make in India', the production and manufacturing sector is down by 14% registered a steepest month-on-month decline among all monitored sectors.
With a 10% progress, banking/ financial services, insurance continued to grow at a significantly moderated pace, it said.
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