Jharkhand's bank fraud gang busted in Delhi
A Jharkhand-based gang that cheated many persons across the country by obtaining their ATM card details and one-time passwords has been busted in Delhi with the arrest of four men, police said on Friday.
The Delhi Police Cyber Cell busted the online racket and also seized two laptops, four smartphones and six keypad phones used in the crime, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara) Nupur Prasad said. 
The police also seized Rs 75,000, silver coins and ornaments and cheque books from the accused.
Prasad said that one of the gang members called up the victims and posed as Reserve Bank of India official and sought their bank ATM card details. 
"After obtaining the information, the gang transferred the victim's money into e-wallets/virtual accounts and routed the money into other e-wallets.
"Finally, they transferred the money to bank accounts and paid utility bills," the official said.
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