I-T Dept Detects Unaccounted Transactions of over Rs1,000 Crore from Gujarat-based Group
IANS 02 August 2022
The income-tax (I-T) department has said that its searches on a leading business group in Gujarat, engaged in textiles, chemicals, packaging, real estate and education sector, has led to detection of unaccounted transactions involving over Rs1,000 crore so far.
The searches, conducted at 58 premises spread over Kheda, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata, lasted for about four to five days, the I-T department said in a statement on Tuesday.
During the search, Rs24 crore in cash and Rs20 crore worth bullion (gold biscuits and other metals) and gold ornaments were also unearthed.
Officers have found that the group was booking profits by manipulating share prices of its own listed companies.
The officers have found substantial evidence in this connection.
For evading tax, the group was raising fake bills and making payments. Even in the real estate sector, benami transactions were found.
The company has created a shell company in Kolkata. In huge amounts, cash withdrawals were made and black money was generated. Even the group's public limited companies' account books are shady, the statement added.
Investigation is on.
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3 years ago
news about about this company has been splashing local newspapers why Money life is demurring in naming...?The amount mentioned is peanuts may not be one day turn over.after prudent checks. ...
Replied to saharaaj comment 3 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam
This is a newswire (IANS) feed. Also, the original release from the I-T department does not state any names.
Replied to saharaaj comment 3 years ago
What's the company name .
Kamal Garg
Replied to jhawardeepak786 comment 3 years ago
Grapevine suggests it is Chiripal Group of Ahmedabad ?
Replied to Kamal Garg comment 3 years ago
So Nandan denim is the company sir
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