Government Okays Third Revival Package for BSNL with Outlay of Rs89,047 Crore
In a significant move, the Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the third package for BSNL, as part of the revival strategy, with the total outlay of Rs89,047 crore.
It includes allotment of 4G and 5G spectrum for BSNL through equity infusion.
The authorised capital of BSNL will be increased from Rs1,50,000 crore to Rs2,10,000 crore, official sources said.
With this revival package, BSNL will emerge as a stable telecom service-provider focused on providing connectivity to the remotest parts of India.
Commerce minister Piyush Goyal told mediapersons after the Cabinet meeting that, except for a few places in high mountainous regions or Maoist-affected remote areas, BSNL is offering 4G services across the country now.
With this spectrum allotment, BSNL will be able to provide pan-India 4G and 5G services, official sources said.
It will also be able to give 4G coverage in rural and uncovered villages under various connectivity projects.
Fixed wireless access (FWA) services for high-speed internet will also be available.
BSNL will also provide services or spectrum for captive non-public network (CNPN).
Government had approved the first revival package for BSNL and MTNL in 2019. It amounted to Rs69,000 crore.
In 2022, government had approved the second revival package for both the loss-making entities amounting to Rs1.64 lakh crore.
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2 years ago
Recently visited Nasik's BSNL office . No staff is there ,all services(incl verification ,recharges) are outsourced to private enterprices. Even in telephone exchanges no employees there to TC of maintenance too. So question arises ,wheather the capital infusion improved BSNL's services,revenue??? Then whats so hurry to Govt. after keeping BSNL away from initial competition in 3G,4G competition with Pvt players and now again reviving it by infusing fresh capital?? I am damn sure after huge infusion of capital money BSNL will along with its precious assets will be sold at a thowaway price to some industrailist having vested interest in present Govt..
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