Credit Information Companies To Compensate for Delayed Updation and Rectification: RBI
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon put in place a process whereby people will be compensated by credit information companies (CICs) for delayed updation/rectification of credit information reports, said governor Shaktikanta Das.
Recently, the CICs were brought under the purview of the Reserve Bank Integrated Ombudsman Scheme (RB-IOS).
"It is now proposed to put in place the following measures: (i) a compensation mechanism for delayed updation/rectification of credit information reports; (ii) a provision for SMS/emailAalerts to customers whenever their credit information reports are accessed; (iii) a timeframe for inclusion of data received by CICs from Credit Institutions; and (iv) disclosures on customer complaints received by CICs," Mr Das said.
According to him, the above measures will further enhance consumer protection.
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