Athletic Greens’ supplement claims & disclaimer 19 February 2015
Over-the-top weight-loss claims abound in this ad for a dietary supplement powder
We’re big fans of Grandma. So when we came across this ad on claiming to reveal an octogenarian’s weight-loss secret, we had to click (we’re also big fans of secrets).
The ad brought us to a page that told the long-winded story of an 87-year-old personal trainer who “could keep up with anybody in the gym.” Her secret? A cocktail of three so-called “superfoods” — carrot powder, green tea extract and cocoa — that sent grandma’s energy levels “through the roof and any excess fat she had would just melt away.”
But as remarkable as granny’s story sounds, it’s actually part of a sales pitch for Athletic Greens, a dietary supplement powder that by no coincidence has the same three superfood ingredients as grandma’s cocktail. Indeed, the writer is paid by Athletic Greens. It’s all spelled out in this disclaimer at the bottom of the page, which also states:
Representation regarding the efficacy and safety of Athletic Greens have not been scientifically substantiated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Grandma’s story is further sullied by the fact that purchasing Athletic Greens automatically signs you up for future shipments that’ll cost you more than $100 a month if you don’t opt out of the program within 30 days. As my grams used to say: Geez, Louise!
Consult with your doctor before taking any supplement.
For more of TINA’s coverage on weight-loss claims, click here
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